Roland's in Skaneateles, New York was established in 1961 by two brothers, Roland (Frog) and Vito Fragnoli - Italian immigrants. Roland and Vito owned family clothing and footwear stores in Homer, NY and Geneva, NY. The brothers saw a need for a family clothing and footwear store in Skaneateles, NY which would be approximately halfway between Homer and Geneva. Thus the brothers purchased the location, which was a butcher shop. The brothers and their wives spent hours cleaning the blood stained floors and even found bones buried in the basement. After weeks of hard work, Roland's Men and Boys Store was opened in the summer of 1961 with Roland's brother-in-law, Mike Condie, as the manager. Unfortunately, tragedy struck and Vito passed away unexpectedly. Thus Roland (Frog) purchased Vito's half of the store from his widow and became the sole owner of Roland's Men and Boys Store. Mike Condie managed Roland's for the next 40 years until his passing. Now Roland's is managed by Mike's son, Steve Condie. Many things have changed since the beginning in 1961 (expansion inside, new clothing and footwear lines, internet, new ownership - Frog's daughter, Leslee). Roland's Men and Boys is the Oldest Establishment in Skaneateles. And one thing has stayed constant - EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE !!!